Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cool Bug - Cicada?

I was mowing the lawn yesterday with my awesome electric lawn mower. It sounds like a really loud vacuum and I don't have to buy gas for it. Anyway. I heard a buggy noise OVER the sound of the lawn mower. So of course, I stopped mowing to find out what it was.

I found this guy/gal:

Look at the amazing clear wings. Awesome markings and colors.

View from the front:

It wasn't a small bug. My thumb is right next to it despite the fact the my camera decided to focus on my thumb. I don't know if this bug is a cicada or not. It's a lot bigger than I thought they were. It wasn't afraid though. I was right up close to it and I even touched it. It didn't fly away until it realized I was coming it's way with the mower.

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