Friday, August 19, 2011

The Bugs of the Prairie

Ok so it's not exactly the prairie. But if you travel straight west for at least an hour things do flatten out. And there are alot of bugs here. I like interesting bugs. The bugs I don't like bite, or have more than 6 legs, and jump at me.

This is a garden grub. I found him while pulling weeds.
This is a moth caterpillar. We found him in the grass. He was fuzzy and made my fingers hurt from his odd fuzz.

This is a leaf bug. He was about 2 inches long and looked funny when he flew away.
This wee worm is an Army worm. He was enjoying my tomato plants.
The Squash Bugs and Cucumber Beetles remain a problem. All of my squash plants have died. I'm so sad that my zucchini bread will have to come from someone elses garden.

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