Saturday, October 8, 2011

Piles of Hay!

There isn't a whole lot to say about this one. In the picture you can see my "hay" pile, composter, and chicken hut. I can even spot a chicken. I say "hay" because it's really just long grass that M bush-hogged for me because my little electric lawn mower couldn't make it through it. But isn't hay really just cut grass anyway?

I started using the "hay" right around the chicken hut because it was handy and I hadn't found what I thought was supposed to go in the hut and laying boxes and didn't think Henrietta would appreciate a bare floor. Then I realized the cut grass = hay thing and tada! hay pile!

Now to hope the grass grows a bit taller before it dies for the season, hope M fixes his tractor or get Dad to bring his over, and collect the grass. It doesn't get much better than that!

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